
Interested in making a tax deductible gift to the Shasta Symphony Orchestra?

Your gift can be used in two specific ways:

  • To underwrite guest artists, underwrite specific concerts, and commission new works.
  • To fund student scholarships for high school and college aged members, providing the opportunity for attendance to summer study performance projects.

Please put “Shasta Symphony” in the memo line of your check. You can add a note indicating what purpose you would like your donation to be used toward.

Checks can be made payable to “Shasta College” and sent to one of the addresses below.

Shasta College
Attn: Arts & Communications Div.
11555 Old Oregon Trail
Redding, CA 96003

Simpson University
Attn: Music Dept.
2211 College View Drive
Redding, CA 96003

Thank you very much for your generosity and support!